Monday, 2 June 2008

We talked


As the title says we finally managed to have a conversation, well eventually. You see I couldn't get the conversation started so I emailed him instead, then all I had to do was get him to check his email.

We are going to give DD another go but slowly this time and more seriously than the last few times. I showed him some articles on punishment spankings and maintenance spankings and we talked about my need for a different feel to punishment than to play, so that I could distinguish between the two and benefit from the discipline. Turns out that he never really took things seriously before as it always felt like playtime to him too and he was just going through the motions because its what I wanted. A serious lack of communication.

We haven't set any rules properly yet other than a general rule that if I do something I know is wrong but isn't actually a set rule that it is still punishable. A past example would be putting the bath to run and then jumping on the computer for a few minutes, getting carried away and flooding the bathroom. That would have been preventable if I been paying attention so that would be punishable but you can 't lay down rules for every possibilities.

Maintenance spankings are going to be given once a week, on a Sunday at a time of his choice. Nothing too harsh, its just to act as a reminder to us both that we are committed to DD for another week and to wipe the slate clean of any minor disagreements or bad feeling etc.

So all and all we had a great day yesterday. I woke up to Steve's hands exploring my body and we had quite a steamy session including a very erotic spanking with the bamboo stick.

Later in the day we had our first maintenance spanking ready to start anew (will post about it later) followed by more sex including a bit of experimenting with restraints (may post about that later too). Then much later we had a lovely meal and snuggled up in bed watching DVDs.

It was a truly wonderful day.




Brooke D said...

Congratulations on your successful comunication with your guy. So often it happens that we think they know what we really want, but alas, that's almost never the case. It really is hard to just come right out and say it sometimes, thank goodness for email! Good luck on your DD journey.


Jess said...

Thanks so much for checking back to see how we are doing. It's going great so far.

