Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Spanked Again


I think Steve is going for the most spanking session in a row or something as a got another one last night with the bamboo stick thing - it isn't very thick or anything but it hurts like hell. I will perhaps try and post a photo of it tomorrow so you can see what I mean.

Anyway he had me lie on my stomach on the bed again and started with a slow warm up with his hand till I was all warm and tingly then he got the stick out and started out quite lightly although he still hurt so I was wriggly, then when I settled down he went a bit harder so more wiggling, then I settled and he got a bit harder and this continued till i had to say I had had enough which was allowed as it was just for fun and not because I had been naughty. My bottom was very tender and stingy but in a very good way and then we had some very yummy sex and I slept very soundly again last night.

Now I'm torn between wanting more tonight and not being sure if my bottom is up to it.




Brooke D said...

I just found your blog through apple's. It's always nice to hear about other's experiences! I can imagine a bamboo stick would be quite ouchie. Looking forward to more posts,


Jess said...

Hi River,

Thanks for visiting.

The bamboo stick (at least I think its bamboo) is definately ouchie but used right its a good ouchie

