Thursday, 29 May 2008

I know I shouldn't judge


Now I know I shouldn't judge other people's sexual kinks as many people would find that that I love to be spanked weird.

However last night I watched a programme called "My car is my lover" all about 2 men who had sex with their cars and in 1 case other peoples cars. I'm sorry but I just don't get it, there's no emotional connection, it can't love you back. Although I should it wasn't just cars they lusted after it was planes and helicopters etc. The first bloke was talking about the fact that he had had sex with the helicopter from Airwolf and then went on to say that it later crashed and was destroyed and was almost in tears as if it was a real person.

The programme in the series is called "Married to the Eiffel Tower and in love with the Berlin Wall". Which is just the same for how can you be in love with an inanimate object.

Well that's it from me for now as I really shouldn't judge other people - I mean they are not hurting anyone else and what we do is not exactly mainstream sex but it's still odd.

If there is anybody reading this I would love to here your opinions.




Apple said...

Oh, Wow,...
That´s really, really crazy.
If they like it, why not:(
But I´m happy that my top´s cock doesn´t react when he see a mercedes.Lol

Nothing is impossilble.

Kisses Apple

Jess said...

I know each to their own I guess.



David said...

It seems TV will put anything on these days. I agree it is nnot good to judge, but I think a high proportion of people might find it quite odd.

But now that I think about it - those portholes on the front fender of those old Buicks were pretty inviting.

Brooke D said...

How the heck is it possible? I guess a guy could stick his thing in the hole for the gas tank, but I would think it would burn the skin, not to mention the brain damage caused by fumes. And a plane? I just can't imagine. My policy is: If children and animals are not involved I don't care as long as it makes you happy!

AngelBrat said...

LOL, Nick is a car guy, but I'm sure glad he's not that much of a car guy! :)

Jess said...

River - they were using the exhust pipe to the deed on cars, don't know about planes and helicopters.

Angelbrat- I know what you mean, Steve loves our car but he dosen't "love" our car