Back as promised.
Last night we went to bed early to watch some Dvd's and have some snuggle time. Of course when Steve went to put the dvd in the one I watched the other day was still in there. Now that in itself was not the problem, thing is when he went to put it back in the case, it wasn't empty, it had a different dvd in it and when he went to put that one away he found another one in the wrong box. You see I have a really bed habit of putting dvds away in the case of the dvd I am about to watch instead of where it belongs and it bugs the hell out of Steve and he has told me about it loads of times.
So after giving me a lecture about it not being difficult to put Dvds away in the correct cases he told me lie down on my stomach on the bed. He sat next to me with his arm around my waist to stop me from rolling over and started with his hand (which can be extremely hard when he wants it to) up and down my right cheek and then up and down my left cheek before telling me to raise my bottom so he could get the bit where my bottom meets my legs.
Then he told me to fetch the leather paddle and had me lay back down on the bed, he straddled my legs and rained stinging slap after slap on my bottom till I thought I was on fire, before rolling me onto my back and telling me not to move till he returned - when he came back after about 5 minutes although it felt like longer- he turned me back over and finished with a couple of hard strokes with bamboo stick thing from a hand held flag.
After we snuggled and I apologised and we had sex. Needless to say I slept incredibly well last night.